Internal Control System - Structured Way to Manage Business(2)

Friday, January 9, 2009

Responsive internal control system helps in achieving business objective, increased market capitalization, effective utilization of corporate resources, fewer unforeseen threats associated with fraud, and effective management of change. But on the flip side, excessive internal control system may forced to increased bureaucracy, complexity, cycle time and no value addition in processes. This may result in reduced productivity. But to avoid the risks such fraud, public scandal, poor business direction, noncompliance with community standard existence of structured internal control system is necessary. In order to accomplish balance between risks and control, Internal control system should be proactive, value added, cost effective and addresses exposure to risk but it should not seen as burden on processes and it should aim at minimizing potential losses arising out of unwanted events.

Mitusbishi Coporation has build a effective internal control system to ensure business activities are conducted properly and conformity with laws and its Articles of incorporation. President defines basic management polices and sets of management goals. At the same time, he formulates the management plans and regularly follows up on progress in achieving target efficiently. Organization chain of command is clearly defined and delegation of authority is properly planed to accomplish targets. These staff must submit reports regularly. To incorporate statutory compliance requirement. Mitsubishi Corporation has established a cross organizational framework headed by Chief Compliance Officer. It also established a alert system, which tracks major non compliance activities in business process. To handle risk associated with business processes, MC has designated categories of risk and established sections responsible for each category. This resulted in law complied financial reporting and carrying out proper business in Group in Management

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