If you are currently getting very poor results from your marketing, or you are starting out in business, I suggest you take a few minutes and evaluate your business.
Take a look at your market.
There are four crucial areas to cover in your evaluation. Take a look at your vision for the company, Take a look at your goals for the operation and identify your primary course of action. Above all, take a look at who you serve. Many business people have been hoodwinked into a crazy supply-side version of business management that states "if you build it they will come". It's not enough to build a better mousetrap if no one is interested in trapping mice. Big ideas are useless if you do not have a market for them.
It means you then have to spend a lot of energy convincing people that they need to trap mice. Consumers (even if you are business to business), drive demand. Demand must be satisfied and if you are in a position to successfully satisfy the market at a reasonable rate of return, you will do very well.
Think about the vision
Your vision is a picture of your ideal future and forms the foundation for your commitment to your business. It identifies the reasons your company exists and what you and your company aim to accomplish.
Establish your goals
Do you want to make $150,000 in personal income from your business? How much will your business have to make in order to afford your salary? Can you break down the steps it will take to earn the gross income that it will take to pay you and earn a profit? These are just a few of the questions you will need to ask yourself.
Who will your company serve?
This is the question every business must ask itself regardless of size each year in order to survive. If the company serves the boss and ignores the clients, how long will the company stay in business? If the company ignores the boss and serves the clients how long will the boss be around? Obviously we are looking for a balance. Just remember that all components are inter-related. You cannot sell to people who cannot buy.
Once you have connected with the above fill out a one page summary with the following statements:
1. Purpose statement.
2. Mission statement.
3. Descriptive Narrative of the company.
4. Values to which the company aspires.
You will share it with all the people involved in your business and remind yourself of it each month. It doesn't have to be cheesy or hokey just factual and clear. You will be able to see positive results in your business within 30 to 90 days after clarifying your vision.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dennis_Francis